Parent Support Groups

Between us, we can do this.

Guided Discussion Group for Parents of Gifted & Twice Exceptional Children (Series of 6 sessions)

Join me and my co-facilitator, Jana Finlayson, for guided discussions about the social and emotional needs of bright, gifted, and twice exceptional children and how to parent them to meet their needs. Learn why bright kids are different. Understand how to best communicate with, motivate, discipline, and guide your gifted and 2e child. Share your concerns as wel as your successes in a safe and confidential environment. The guided discussion groups are run according to the SENG Model Parent Group by certified facilitators.

In a series of six weekly sessions, we will cover the following topics.

  • Identification, Characteristics of Gifted Children
  • Communication
  • Motivation and Underachievement/Discipline and Self-Management
  • Perfectionism and Idealism
  • Stress and Depression
  • Challenging Customs and Parents Relationships


SENG Model Parent Groups (SMPGs) bring together 10-20 parents of gifted and talented children to discuss such topics as motivationdisciplinestress management, and peer relationships. The co-facilitators of these groups are knowledgeable about parenting and educating gifted children. However, they do not attempt to give expert advice. Instead, their facilitation provides a non‐judgmental and nurturing atmosphere.

Meetings will be held on Wednesday evenings from 19:30-21:00 hosted by the GEMS World Academy, Etoy Switzerland. Registration is open to the general public (not restricted to parents of students at GEMS) and meetings will be conducted in English. No ‘proof’ of giftedness is required for participation. 

The Spring 2019 SMPG discussion groups are full. I will be running another SMPG group in the Fall 2019. If you’re interested, you can preregister by sending me an email. If you’d like to organise a new group before then, send me a message and I’ll see what we can do.

Meeting dates Spring 2019:

  1. March 20, 2019 
  2. March 27, 2019
  3. April 3, 2019
  4. April 10, 2019 
  5. May 1, 2019
  6. May 8, 2019

Deadline Registration Spring 2019 Series








Included in weekly sessions are:  

  • One copy of the book A Parent’s Guide to Gifted Children;
  • 6 sessions for one or two parents/significant adults;
  • Refreshments;
  • Access to a lending library. 



You can find an online registration form here or follow this link .

Please register before the end of the day on the 17th of March for the Spring 2019 series. Should you miss the registration deadline, or want to sign up for series at another time, send me a message through the contact form below or directly to

GEMS World Academy

GEMS World Academy Sports Centre, La Tuilière 18,1163 Etoy, Switzerland

7 + 14 =

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Raphaela Carrière